In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL reports that it is the owner of the website According to the requirement of Article 10 of the aforementioned Act, AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL reports the following data:
The headline of this website is AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL, with CIF B07767932 and social address in C/ ITALIA, 27 - POIMA IV FASE 07714 - MAÓ (BALEARIC ISLANDS), inscribed in the Registro Mercantil de les Illes Balears T 30 , F 208, S 8, H IM 1580, I/A 4(10.02.10). contact email address with the company is:
The navigation, access and use of the AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL website confers the status of the user, for which, from the navigation of the AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL website, all the conditions of use established here without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally binding regulations as required.
The AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL website provides a wide range of information, services and data. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. This responsibility will be extended to:
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL are not responsible for the content of websites that the user can access through links established on their website and declares that it will in no way proceed to examine or exercise any control over the content of other sites on the network. Nor will it ensure the technical availability, accuracy, truth, validity or legality of sites outside its property to which access can be made by means of links.
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL declares that it has taken all necessary measures to prevent any damage to users of its website, which may be derived from web browsing. As a result, AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL are not, under any circumstances, responsible for any damage that the user may suffer from Internet navigation.
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL reserve the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notice, on the content of its website. As regards the content of the website, as well as the terms of use of the website, or as regards general recruitment conditions. These modifications can be made via their website for any form eligible in law and will be enforced for as long as they are published on the site and until they are not validly modified by others later.
Certain content from the website of AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL contains the possibility of booking over the Internet. The use of these will require the compulsory reading and acceptance of the general reserve conditions set for the purposes of the AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL.
In accordance with the regulations in force in the Protection of Personal Character Data, the report states that its data will be incorporated into the system of self-reporting BAJOLI SL with CIF B07767932 and a social address located in C/ ITALIA, 27 - POIMA IV FASE 07714 - MAÓ (BALEARIC ISLANDS), in order to be able to facilitate, streamline and fulfil the commitments established between the two parties. In compliance with the current regulations, AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL reports that the data will be kept for the strictly necessary time to comply with the above-mentioned precepts.
We report that the processing of your data is legitimated by your consent and/or the contractual relationship that we have with you.
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL reports that it will proceed to treat the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, appropriate, relevant, limited, exact and up-to-date way. That is why the same person undertakes to take all reasonable measures so that they are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate.
According to the rights conferred on it by the current data protection rules, it will be able to exercise the rights to access, rectification, treatment limitation, suppression, portability and opposition to the processing of its personal data as well as of the consent given for the processing of data, by directing its request to the postal address indicated above or to the email.
It will be able to address the competent Supervisory Authority to submit the complaint it deems appropriate.
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights of her website, as well as the elements contained in it (as a statement title, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), ownership of AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL. They will therefore be works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, which will apply both Spanish and Community legislation in this field, and the international treaties relating to the matter and signed by Spain. All rights reserved. Under the terms of the Intellectual Property Act, reproduction, distribution and public communication are expressly prohibited, including their method of making available, of all or part of the content of this website, for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means, without the authorisation of the AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL.
The user is committed to respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights ownership of AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL. It will be able to view the portal elements and even print, copy, and store them on the hard disk of its computer or on any other physical support provided, uniquely and exclusively, for personal and private use. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any security device or security system that was installed on the AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL self-replying pages.
AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL is also reserved for the power to present the civil or criminal actions it considers appropriate for the misuse of its website and content, or for the non-compliance with the present conditions.
The relationship between the user and the lender will be governed by current and applicable rules in Spanish territory. If any controversy arises, the parties will be able to subject their conflicts to arbitration or go to ordinary jurisdiction in compliance with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in respect. AUTO REPARACIONES BAJOLI SL it has his domicile in BALEARIC ISLANDS, Spain.